Farming Sustainably in the Age of Peak Oil

At Clear Sky Meditation Center's farm, we are starting small. Most of us are city folk with lofty ideals and little farm experience. We've read books about permaculture, biodynamics and organic farming. We have been on inspiring courses. But how do we put this into practice? How do we integrate this work into our Dharma Practice?

When it comes to actually doing it, the challenges are daunting. Farmers in Canada are struggling. Land prices are soaring. Peak Oil is near. How do we make a living AND do it well AND wake up? This is our challenge. Please join us on this journey of exploration and discovery :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

On Sparking Gaia / Cara

I haven't written here for a while. I kept telling myself that I should but I couldn't think of anything to say. I sunk lethargically into a dull mind, spaced out mind. I lost the urge to see and to share the wonder of the miraculous mundane. Sometimes, I lose my will to spark gaia. Do you?

Spark gaia?

Yes. To alert and enliven the planet with a crash, lightning cymbals. To flip the switch of passion that lies waiting forgotten in every belly. The spark that will open our eyes, allow us to see our wounds, and then take actions to heal, change, see, transcend. Spark gaia, wake up gaia!....t0 burn passionately with life! fire under foot, crows pulling at your hair.

I guess this notion of sparking gaia might apply to the planet, in that theres troubling times ahead, and we need change NOW. but i guess at a personal level, "spark cara" is what I really want. I want the energy and the will to become the rumbling of my atoms. I am silently wishing there was a spark that would set me alive forever. that i would be free, energetic and of true service. But no... there doesn't seem to be a magic pill!= I am realising that to spark gaia, I have to will it so every single moment.

Spark. Spark!

ss..pp aarrk!

So...Does the same principle apply to our planet then? To our imploding Gaia ship earth? How do we make her healthy again? Or more, how do we learn to be stewards of the planet again? Probably, we have to want to be stewards to be stewards.

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