Farming Sustainably in the Age of Peak Oil

At Clear Sky Meditation Center's farm, we are starting small. Most of us are city folk with lofty ideals and little farm experience. We've read books about permaculture, biodynamics and organic farming. We have been on inspiring courses. But how do we put this into practice? How do we integrate this work into our Dharma Practice?

When it comes to actually doing it, the challenges are daunting. Farmers in Canada are struggling. Land prices are soaring. Peak Oil is near. How do we make a living AND do it well AND wake up? This is our challenge. Please join us on this journey of exploration and discovery :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Native Grasslands - Cool & delicious

Clear Sky ( ) is hosting a Grasslands Restoration / Reclamation Workshop on June 12th and 13th.  I'm really excited to see what we will discover.  "Grass" ( not the smoking stuff) doesn't sound so interesting now does it?

But when you think about the acres upon acres upon acres of land that have been replanted with traditional hay mixes or simply paved over, maintained with thousands of gallons of oil and water year after year, you start to wonder if nature could did it better.

Native Grasses, so i hear, are highly nutritious for animals, are drought hardy, attract beneficial pollinators and  support all round ecosystem health. 

For me, a feeling arises that restoring native grassland habitats on our land would be 'too difficult'.    I think of expensive native seed prices, hard work and a big whoppin 'i wouldn't know where to start'.  I have a feeling that my perceptions will change after the workshop.  I hope this course will provide some real life solutions and confidence in sowing healthier seeds on the rocky mountain grassland landscape.

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